Mayville Senior Citizens Hold Feb. Meeting
In spite of the stormy cold weather many hearty members of the Mayville Seniors came out recently for a soup and sandwich luncheon at the VFW in Mayville.
Linda Anderson, vice president, welcomed the group while Sharon Frudd gave the Invocation. After lunch the group recited the Lord’s Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Janet Loomis, assistant secretary, read the minutes of the Jan. 16 meeting. The minutes were approved. She also read correspondence from the Dewittville C&MA Church and Mary Carlson. Kathy Sukalac gave the Treasurer’s Report. Her report was approved. Goodwill Chair Linda Anderson reported she has sent out six birthday cards and one get well card for this month. Anderson reminded members she is always in need of birthday, get well and sympathy cards.
New member Margie Weise was welcomed. Pete Skillman won the door prize and Martha Anderson won the lottery. Member Rita Himes talked to the group about her hobby of making greeting cards and scrapbooking. She holds classes the second Saturday of each month at the First Baptist Church in Mayville from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.