
First Methodist Church to rededicate 1927 organ Sunday

Brian Bogey, pictured, will perform Sunday as First Methodist Church rededicates its 1927 Austin Pipe Organ after a $300,000 upgrade and modernization project.

The First Methodist Church of Warren will have a rededication organ recital on their newly renovated and upgraded 1927 Austin Pipe Organ on Sunday at 4 p.m.

The Mark Fischer Organ Company of Erie completed all of the renovation work. Brian A. Bogey, organist/choirmaster at the First Lutheran Church in Jamestown, will be the guest organ recitalist.

The congregation has spent $300,000.00 to upgrade and modernize the three-manual organ which includes approximately 3,000 pipes, an Antiphonal Organ, Echo Organ, and Trumpet en Chamade. Twenty new ranks of Hauptwerk stops have also been added to the organ’s resources.

This recital will be the 29th dedicatory organ recital Bogey has played throughout both New York state and Pennsylvania. Bogey has been organist at the Jamestown First Lutheran Church for 39 years. He also taught choral music for 45 years in the Jamestown Public Schools and Jamestown Community College and organ at the State University at Fredonia. He has a BME and MME degrees in organ and Music Education at SUNY Fredonia.

Bogey is Director Emeritus for the Jamestown High School A Cappella Choir. They concertized extensively throughout the United States and in Austria, Germany, Italy, and England. His First Lutheran Choir has also had a concert tour of Sweden, Denmark and Norway in 1982.

Bogey’s recital program will feature music by J.S. Bach, Johann Pachelbel, Sigfrid Karg-Elert, Frederick Swan, Walter Peltz, Searle Wright, Jehan Alain, and Louis Vierne. An offering will be received. The First Methodist Choir directed by Ruth Nelson and accompanied by Micky Sandberg will sing the offertory anthem. A reception will follow in the church’s Founders Hall. The public is welcome to attend.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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