Falconer Central School Students Compete In FBLA Spring District Contest
- From left are Falconer Future Business Leaders of America middle school members Liam Griffith, Carson Braley, Maci-Lynn Akin and Luke Schrantz.
- From left are Falconer Future Business Leaders of America high school members Ella Garrison, Dominic Pangborn, Charles Reichenbach, Jeremiah Mobley, Finley Darr, Lilli Szal-Williams, Patrick Braley, Savannah Moore, Sharlie Quackenbush, and Michelle Johnson, FBLA advisor.
Falconer Central School’s Future Business Leaders of America team members competed recently in the 2025 Spring District competition.
FBLA members from Cattaraugus-Little Valley, Clymer, Falconer and Randolph gathered at Jamestown Community College to compete. in 32 categories.
At the high school level, first place winners were Patrick Braley (Intro to Public Speaking), Ella Garrison (FBLA Creed Speaking), Nicola Caruso (Business Communication), Jeremiah Mobley (Intro to Business Concepts), Savannah Moore (Intro to Business Communication and Intro to Word Processing), Sharlie Quackenbush (Client Service), and Charles Reichenbach (Accounting and Business Calculations). In second place, Finley Darr (Intro to Word Processing), Ella Garrison (Public Speaking), Jeremiah Mobley (Intro to Business Communication and Intro to Financial Math), Sharlie Quackenbush (Intro to Business Concepts), Charles Reichenbach (Job Interview), and Lilli Szal-Williams (Intro do Decision Making). Third place winners included Patrick Braley (Intro to FBLA), Nicola Caruso (Intro to Word Processing), and Dominic Pangborn (Intro to Business Concepts and Intro to Financial Math).
At the FBLA Middle Level, Carson Braley placed first in Exploring Public Speaking and FBLA Concepts, in addition to third place in Exploring Leadership. Ben Caruso placed second in Critical Thinking and third in Financial Literacy. Liam Griffith earned third place wins in both Career Research and Learning Strategies.
Eleven members plan to travel to Rochester for the New York State Leadership Conference in April in hopes of qualifying for the National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, Calif.