Contractor Goes Silent On Treatment Upgrades
SHERMAN — Wastewater Treatment Plant Chief Operator Jay Irwin reported that RAFA Systems, Inc. which installed the monitoring system, has failed to complete the installation of some materials at the February meeting. “I’ve been calling them for months and I can’t get a hold of them,” he said.
Irwin and Mayor Colleen Meeder both noted that the company underwent a lot of transition and lost several of its technicians. “For the most part, the system was installed,” Meeder said. “We had no reason to believe they wouldn’t finish it.”
Trustees subsequently approved a motion to replace the SCADA or supervisor control and data acquisition, installed by RAFA Systems, Inc. with a system from PERTECH, Inc. for the approximate amount of $20,000.
Meeder said the village could pursue litigation against the RAFA, however, that would cost at least $20,000. She noted that several municipalities that have engaged RAFA systems have had the same problem. “The problem is that the service we need is not available,” she said. “We’re not the only ones in this spot.”
Irwin said he and other WWTP employees have been visiting the plant over the weekend and after hours to ensure that the system is running well.
In another matter, trustees approved a motion to authorize Meeder to execute the agreement between the Village and Chautauqua County Soil and Water Conservation District for the construction of the upper basin project.
Meeder said she has been speaking with CCSWD District Field Manager, David Spann, who has told her that the project has the green light from the county to proceed. Construction of the Main St stormwater project is not expected to resume until April, she said.
The Village has obtained several grants to pay for the Comprehensive Stormwater Improvement Project. “When this is done, we will have 99% of the stormwater system covered,” she said, “which is actually amazing.”
Trustees also approved the use of a Community Development grant to prepare the building at 104 East Main Street for a proposed mural. The mural will be painted on the Franklin Street side of the building as part of the Paint CHQ Initiative.
Paint CHQ is a project spearheaded by the Chautauqua Region Economic Development Corporation and the Chautauqua County Department of Planning and Development.
The Paint CHQ initiative seeks to encourage art as a critical part of community development throughout the county. A public workshop will be held on Tuesday, March 11 at 11 am at The Cornerstone Restaurant in Sherman. Communities that participate are asked to hold an art festival on the second Saturday of September.
Meeder noted this coincides with the Annual Sherman Music Festival. “It will be a day full of art and local celebration!” she said.