
Bush School Talent Show Helps Students Develop Confidence, Creativity

A student practices a hula-hoop routine during talent show practice at Bush School.

At Bush Elementary School, the annual talent show isn’t just an event — it’s a cherished tradition, thanks to the dedication of second-grade teacher Nichole Mason.

For nearly two decades, Mason has guided students through the process of discovering, refining, and showcasing their talents on stage, creating a platform where confidence and creativity take center stage. This year, 38 third- and fourth-grade students are participating in the show.

“The Bush Talent Show is a highlight of the year, thanks to the dedication and passion of Nichole Mason,” said Principal Kate Benson. “She has been leading this tradition for years, giving students a stage to showcase their talents and build confidence.”

Mason’s journey with talent shows began during her time as a long-term substitute at Love Elementary School 20 years ago.

“I thought it was a great way to get students up on the stage and highlight their talents,” she recalled. “I remember being a student at Washington Middle School and absolutely loving being in the show.”

Students discuss their acts with teacher Nichole Mason during talent show rehearsal at Bush School.

When she was hired at Bush School in 2005, she proposed the idea of hosting a talent show, and with the principal’s support, she has kept the tradition alive ever since. It’s been a volunteer position she’s always treasured.

“The talent show has always felt like the perfect opportunity for children to present themselves in a non-academic platform at school,” Mason explained. “They can demonstrate karate, singing, artwork, tell jokes, play instruments — just a real chance for all children to shine and display skills they have or are interested in learning more about.”

Mason emphasizes that the talent show is not a competition but a showcase.

“I’ve never allowed it to be a judged show at this age,” she said. “I want it to be an experience where students can build confidence without the pressure of competition.”

That confidence, she hopes, will carry over into other areas.

Students perform a routine during last year’s Bush School talent show under the direction and guidance of longtime teacher Nichole Mason.

“I want them to take away a sense of self-assurance,” Mason said. “This could be the stepping stone that encourages them to participate in school plays, community theater, public speaking, band, color guard, or even take on a new hobby. So many opportunities can arise from this foundational experience at a young age.”

One of the most rewarding aspects of organizing the talent show, Mason shared, is watching students who might not typically seek the spotlight rise to the occasion.

“I truly enjoy seeing some of our students that you’d never guess would want to stand up in front of their entire school and perform,” she said. “They inspire me! I know they are walking away feeling like they can take on the world after that!”

Beyond the individual growth of the performers, Mason cherishes the sense of community the event fosters.

“The stage provides a connection for the performers and the audience,” she said. “Families come to watch their children perform, and you can see how proud they are. Students have to attend practices and be responsible for practicing at home, and when we put all the acts together, it’s incredibly rewarding.”

“It’s more than just a performance — it’s a chance for students to develop skills in teamwork, creativity, and self-expression,” added Benson. “The rehearsals and preparation provide valuable opportunities for students to grow.”

For Mason, the talent show is a labor of love.

“I volunteer my time for this event, and I’m good with that,” she said. “I hope to do this for as long as I can to help foster such a unique experience for our students and keep our youth’s spotlights bright. In a sometimes dark world, we can be the light. On with the show!”

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