
Prescott DAR Chapter Inducts Members

From left are Myra Johnston, Prescott DAR Chapter vice regent; new members Amy Bly and Cheryl Smith, and Bonnie Larkin, Regent. Photo by Barbara Pietro

Amy Bly and Cheryl Smith were inducted into the Benjamin Prescott Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution at its recent Christmas party.

Regent Bonnie Larkin presided over the meeting and event. Larkin thanked everyone for their donations for the baby shower for the Buffalo VA Women’s Healthcare Center.

Smith and Bly were introduced to the members. Larkin and Vice-Regent Myra Johnston conducted the ceremony. Larkin presented both with a welcome packet, pin and a yellow rose of friendship.

In other business, the nomination committee presented the slate of officers approved by the membership. Officers to be installed in March include: Regent: Myra Johnston, Vice-Regent: Brenda Johnson, Chaplin: Deborah Cenni, Secretary: Linda Kuzara, Treasurer: Bonnie Larkin, Registar: Barbara Pietro and Historian: Lisa Sedlmayer.

The Spring District 8 meeting will take place Saturday, April 26, in East Aurora. Registration forms will be emailed.

The chapter’s next meeting will be held Thursday, March 6, at the Patterson Library in Westfield at 1 p.m.

Those who are over 18 years of age and had an ancestor who fought or gave aid to the soldiers that fought and won the American Revolutionary War and are interested in joining can call Barbara Pietro at 716-392-1166 or email jbpietro@gmail.com.

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