Jamestown Welcome Sign Complete

Giving a great wave goodbye and See You Next Time to all friends and visitors are left to right: Len Barry, Reg Lenna marketing director; Craig Hinderleider, Northwest Arena operations director; Kristan McMahon, Robert H. Jackson Center executive director; Hillary Meyer, Reg Lenna executive director; Marion Beckerink, president of the Rotary Club of Jamestown; Kathy Burch, Gebbie Foundation finance director; Mike Roberts, Allied Alarm Services, Inc and Rotarian; Mayor Kim Ecklund, John Healy, Rotarian, vice president of the Builders Exchange and project leader; Ruth Lundin, Rotary treasurer; David Niles, Roger Tory Peterson Institute advancement director; and Megan Arnone Eckwahl, National Comedy Center marketing and communications manager.
Founders, funders and Jamestown attraction executives were on hand to salute the completion of the reverse side of the Welcome To Jamestown NY sign at the Route 60 entrance to the city of Jamestown.
The Welcome to Jamestown sign, spearheaded by the Rotary Club of Jamestown, was dedicated in June 2023. Club members said it soon became apparent that the reverse side needed special attention as well. Funding by the Gebbie Foundation allowed color photographs to be taken of the Northwest Arena, the Robert H. Jackson Center, the Reg Lenna Center for the Arts, the Lucille Ball Little Theater of Jamestown, the Luci-Desi Museum, the Roger Tory Peterson Institute, the Riverwalk, the Chautauqua Belle, the Fenton History Center and the National Comedy Center and arranged to form a mural on the back of the sign.
The photos arranged on the rear of the welcome sign feature huge lettering saying, “See You Next Time.”