Westfield Fund Awards Grants To 2 Local Organizations
WESTFIELD – The Westfield Fund Advisory Committee recently approved grants totaling $1,830 to be awarded to two Westfield organizations as follows.
– $1,500 to Every Child Inc to support their Beds for Kids program which provides beds to youth to prevent them from foster care placement and also for youth residing in foster care.
– $330 to Westfield Stray Cat Rescue to support their ongoing Spay/Neutering Program.
The Westfield Fund’s Annual Grants Program provides support to organizations seeking to improve and strengthen the Westfield community. Projects are evaluated on:
– The potential impact and number of people who will benefit from the grant.
– An innovative, efficient approach to serving community needs.
– Assistance for citizens whose needs are not being met by existing programs or services.
– Cooperation with other agencies in the community to encourage the efficient use of community resources and the elimination of duplicated services.
– Promotion of volunteer participation and citizen involvement.
The Advisory Committee of TWF includes Martha Bills, Bob Dyment, John Hemmer, Marilyn Hemmer, Cristie Herbst, Alan Holbrook (Chair), Deanne Manzella, Rick Mascaro, Sue Poster (Secretary), Vinny Sanzo, Joel Seachrist, Mike VandeVelde (Vice-Chair), and Rachel Willow. Grants Committee members for TWF are Cristie Herbst, Pete Holt, Rick Mascaro, Jean McCausland, Sue Poster, Joel Seachrist, Nancy Walker, Dan Willow, and Rachel Willow.
The Westfield Fund is a Community Donor Advised Fund of the Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation. Their mission of improving the quality of life for residents of Westfield is fulfilled through grantmaking to charitable projects and organizations serving the community. Grants are made possible by contributions from individuals, families, and businesses. For more information on The Westfield Fund or to contribute to the fund, visit nccfoundation.org/westfield-fund.