
Thule Lodge Holds Memorial Service

FALCONER – The Thule Lodge recently hosted its annual memorial service.

Members of the lodge gathered recently at the Falcon’s Nest in Falconer for a monthly meeting followed by the memorial service. Susan Washington Sipos is the lodge chairman and welcomed all to the meeting. John Sipos, secretary and historian of the lodge, read the minutes of the last meeting, led all in the pledge of allegiance to the American Flag, and gave the roll call of officers. Treasurer Loretta Smith presented the financial report of the lodge listing expenses and income. Appreciation was extended to Smith for her work with the finances. Thule Lodge always welcomes new members.

Following the meeting the memorial service was held, A table with candles and carnations had been set up. The candles were lit, while there was low music playing. There were six Thule Lodge members who died in the last year and were remembered during the service. As each name was said, a carnation was placed on the altar. Obituaries were available for all to see. Family members were invited to attend the service and a time for each to speak was given. Following the service, the carnations were available for taking. The memorial service is held each year in May to remember and honor those Thule Lodge members who died in the past year.

After the service, refreshments were available for all provided by members Wayne and Brenda Nelson. The next event will be the annual “midsommar” celebration and dinner at the Falcon’s Nest. Invitation cards will be sent to all members.

Thule Lodge is the Swedish organization formed 117 years ago in the Jamestown area. The Lodge was formed to help the Swedish immigrants settle in the U.S. with housing, schooling and employment. Many of the Swedish immigrants found employment in the many furniture factories which were once a part of the Jamestown area. Today, the Lodge exists to preserve the Swedish heritage through events and activities.

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