Mayville Senior Citizens Meet At The VFW In Mayville
The Mayville Senior Citizens met Jan. 18 at the VFW in Mayville for its first meeting of the year. Twenty-one members, one guest, and the speaker braved the cold weather to attend.
Dianne Goodrich gave the invocation and, after two short stories, led the group in a moment of silence in memory of Alma Shepard.
Jeff Wagner introduced our guest speaker, Rebecca Magnuson of the She Sings Cafe. She grew up in the Mayville area and used to work as a waitress during her youth at Dick’s Harbor House and has fond memories of that time.
After going through college, marriage, and a career in the DC area, she returned to the area by purchasing the Harbor House. She has remodeled the restaurant and also sings there during dinner hour.
Linda Anderson, Goodwill chairperson, stated she had sent out 11 birthday cards. Becky Dalziel, tour director, reported there would be nothing to report until spring.
The kitchen committee, Karen Heston, Dolly Gilbert, Louise Richir, Nancy Peters and Lois Maloy were thanked.
Bill Tornstrom, program chairperson, announced that the guest speakers for the Feb. 15 meeting will be Judy Wroda, Robin Knepshield and Tiffany Erhard speaking about moving from a residence before and after into a nursing home.