
Harmony Senior Citizens Hold Easter Luncheon

PANAMA — Forty-three members of the Harmony Senior Citizens enjoyed an Easter luncheon on April 6 at Panama United Methodist Church.

President Roberta Karlson led devotions, offered the dinner prayer, led the salute to the flag and welcomed Dana Corwin from the Office for the Aging. Hosts for the luncheon included Barbara Potter, Janice Hinterberger, Dorothy Erickson and Dottie Enlow.

Wendie Raynor read the minutes from the March meeting. As there were not additions or corrections, the minutes stand approved as read. Mary Lou Garfield gave the treasurer’s report, which was accepted as read.

Cindy Miller, Cheer person, stated she had sent sympathy cards to Mary Lou and Don Garfield, Cindy McIntyre, get well cards or thinking of you cards to Lois King, Ellen Coffaro, Harriet Smith and Melvin and Ellen Lord.

Vice President Laurie Russell presented birthday gifts to the following members celebrating birthdays in the month of April: Dorothy Erickson, Keith Miller and Dorothy Whipple. Cards will be sent to the following members who were not present: Tracey Mingle and Shirley Pearson.

Dottie Enlow, Trip Chairperson, stated a Red Skelton tribute is being held on July 14th in Fredonia. The cost is $35.00. Members wanting to attend are to let her know and arrange to car pool.

Roberta reported on the second annual Harmony Senior Citizen’s Day which is scheduled for Aug. 19. Plans are underway to make this even better than last year. It was voted to hold the parade at 11 a.m. instead of 10 a.m.

Corwin gave a presentation on the availability of emergency bracelets and emergency buttons. There are three plans for using these devices. For more information on the devices, contact NY Connects at 716-753-4582. This is also the phone number to contact to find help and information on serices and supports in the community.

The group’s next meeting is Thursday, May 4, at Panama United Methodist Church for a tureen luncheon. Members are asked to bring a dish to pass and their own table service. This will be a combined Memorial service and Mother’s Day reflections. Musical guests will be David and Sue (Miles) Ford. Hosts will be Cindy McIntyre, Carol Parnell and Pat Walters. Members are asked to give memorial names to Lois King. Areas seniors are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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