
Himes Brings Manufacturing Experience to DIDI Program

PTECH students discuss Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) with Melissa Himes, DIDI Director.

The Manufacturers Association of the Southern Tier has hired Melissa Himes as the director of the Dream It Do It Western New York (DIDIWNY) program in Chautauqua County.

Himes has 16 years of experience working in manufacturing and 23 years of experience in human resources.

“We are thrilled to have Melissa as part of our team,” said Todd Tranum, executive director of MAST and president of DIDIWNY. “Melissa has been supportive and engaged with the Dream It Do It program during her time working in manufacturing and has been involved in several other programs including PTECH (Pathways in Technology Early College High School) in Dunkirk and the Chautauqua County Education Coalition. Her experience in manufacturing and knowledge of the community have enabled her to hit the ground running with DIDI program delivery.”

Dream It Do It Western New York, an initiative of the Manufacturers Association of the Southern Tier, has a mission to increase the skilled workforce pipeline entering manufacturing careers.

“I have a passion for working with young people and connecting them to career opportunities,” Himes said. “Having worked in advanced manufacturing and having experienced the challenges of recruiting talent, I am excited about my role in Dream It Do It, where I feel that I can help develop a stronger talent pipeline and cultivate interest in the abundant and excellent career opportunities available in the advanced manufacturing sector.”

PTECH welding technology students discuss project work with Melissa Himes, DIDI director. Submitted photos

Himes will oversee implementation of a variety of DIDI programming such as the annual STEM Wars event, technology tours that connect local students to local manufacturing, engagement with teachers and counselors to facilitate an understanding of manufacturing careers, girls in manufacturing programs introducing more young women to manufacturing career opportunities, manufacturing camps and a variety of other initiatives.

“Melissa brings a unique perspective in that she worked with the Dream It Do It program and with a variety of our workforce development partners from an employer perspective and as someone who had to recruit and retain talent, that experience and her network will serve her well in this role,” said Dale Gier, MAST president

Manufacturers have identified finding a skilled workforce as their number one challenge. Dream It Do It is a critically important initiative in helping manufacturers develop their workforce in that it connects students and educators with the world of manufacturing. Dream It Do It helps manufacturers build bridges to the educational system and foster relationships they need to build their workforce

“Melissa brings the enthusiasm and experience we need to reach students and connect them with one of the many learning activities for careers in manufacturing. She has the potential to achieve great things in her role and we are fortunate to have her as the key external face of Dream It Do It in Chautauqua county,” stated Chris Lanski, Chair of Dream It Do It Western New York.

To learn more about Dream It Do It go to www.didiwny.com. DIDI Chautauqua County is seeking volunteers from industry, schools, and the community. Those interested can email Himes at mhimes@didiwny.com.

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