
War Of 1812 Veteran Gets Marker

William “Billy” Burch, soldier of the War of 1812, was honored with a grave marker ceremony at the Forest Hill Cemetery in Fredonia on Sept. 11. Pvt. Burch served in campaigns across New York state, including Fort Niagara. Sandra Johnson from Lakewood is an 1812 member and Billy is her third great-grandfather. The ceremony was conducted by Gail Pugh Dash, Chapter Secretary/Historian. Guests present included Fredonia Mayor, Doug Essek; Denise Puskar, Commander Fredonia American Legion Post 59: Rodney Dziduch, Commander Fredonia Sons of the American Legion Post 59; Walt Sedlmayer, Past Commander Post 59; Kirk L. Miller, Ist Vice Commander, Chautauqua County American Legion; Max Walters, Curator, Barker Museum in Fredonia; Todd Langworthy, event Speaker and Historian for the town of Pomfret and village of Fredonia. Others present included DAR members, Legion members and Chautauqua County Genealogical Society members and guests. For more information about a marker for an 1812 Patriot contact Sandra Johnson at startubing@hotmail.com. From left are Celea Sampson Cole chapter members and Niagara Falls chapter guest Gail Pugh Dash, Bonnie Larkin, Elaine Rissel, Brenda Johnson and Sandra Johnson. Submitted photo

William “Billy” Burch, soldier of the War of 1812, was honored with a grave marker ceremony at the Forest Hill Cemetery in Fredonia on Sept. 11. Pvt. Burch served in campaigns across New York state, including Fort Niagara. Sandra Johnson from Lakewood is an 1812 member and Billy is her third great-grandfather. The ceremony was conducted by Gail Pugh Dash, Chapter Secretary/Historian. Guests present included Fredonia Mayor, Doug Essek; Denise Puskar, Commander Fredonia American Legion Post 59: Rodney Dziduch, Commander Fredonia Sons of the American Legion Post 59; Walt Sedlmayer, Past Commander Post 59; Kirk L. Miller, Ist Vice Commander, Chautauqua County American Legion; Max Walters, Curator, Barker Museum in Fredonia; Todd Langworthy, event Speaker and Historian for the town of Pomfret and village of Fredonia. Others present included DAR members, Legion members and Chautauqua County Genealogical Society members and guests. For more information about a marker for an 1812 Patriot contact Sandra Johnson at startubing@hotmail.com. From left are Celea Sampson Cole chapter members and Niagara Falls chapter guest Gail Pugh Dash, Bonnie Larkin, Elaine Rissel, Brenda Johnson and Sandra Johnson.

Submitted photo

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