Zonta Club Takes Part In 16 Days Of Activism
“Violence against women is a worldwide pandemic. It crosses every social and economic class, every religion, race and ethnicity. At least one out of every three women worldwide have experienced violence during their lifetime. We in Zonta International cannot accept this-we need to use all our energy to eradicate violence against women locally and internationally through service and advocacy.”
This strong message is by Sonja Honig Schough, Zonta International past president.
The Zonta Club of Jamestown will be joining Zonta International during the 16 Days of Activism in Jamestown, by displaying orange yard signs “Zonta says NO to Violence Against Women,” wearing orange wristbands, shirts and displaying orange ribbons.
The Days of Activism runs through Dec 10. The club’s goal is to increase awareness and increase action to end violence against women and girls around the world.
Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in the world today. It remains largely unreported due to the perceived stigma and shame surrounding it, as well as the lack of success in prosecuting offenders.
VAWG manifests itself in physical, sexual and psychological forms. These may include intimate partner violence, sexual violence and harassment, child sexual abuse, forced marriage, stalking, cyber harassment, human trafficking, female gender mutilation and child marriage.
Education is key to eliminating VAWG. Marcia Restivo, Zonta member said, “We need to teach our children that abuse is not OK. We need to show our sons that this kind of behavior is not OK. We need to show our daughters how to be strong and speak up for themselves.”
Members of Zonta participate with several other local agencies to educate, advocate, and inform others about the tragedy of violence against women.
The Zonta Club of Jamestown, members of Zonta International, work to empower women through service and advocacy. The club is a worldwide service organization of women and men in business and the professions working together to advance the status of women.
For more information about Zonta or the 16 Days of Activism, contact zontajamestown.org or email Jamestown@zontadistrict4.org.