Lakewood Church Opens Blessing Box
“What in Heaven’s Name is a Blessing Box?” Lakewood United Methodist Church at 164 Shadyside Ave. is discovering the answer to that question.
“It is an opportunity,” said Pastor Michael Childs, “for a person to bless someone else, or, for a person to receive a blessing. And, the whole process is anonymous.”
The United Methodist Church heard of this exciting outreach mission through Chairwoman Nancy Meyer. “It is like the Lord’s pantry, and anyone is welcome to use it,” Meyer said.
“When you come up to this Blessing cupboard, you will never know what items may be inside,” Childs said. “There are some food items, some personal care products, cleaning supplies and miscellaneous. And the items will vary over time. If you need an item, please take it with God’s blessing. If you find that you have extra to share– you can drop off items in the box at any time.”
Along side the Lord’s Blessing Box, the church will be putting up our clothesline to offer warm hats, gloves, socks, etc., to anyone needing.
Anyone with questions is asked to call the church office at 763-9345.