Variance Approval Paves Way For New McDonalds In Warren

Times Observer photo by Josh Cotton The city’s Zoning Hearing Board has approved a variance request from McDonalds that will pave the way for a larger project -demolition and construction of an updated McDonalds on the same site.
WARREN, Pa. — A brand new McDonalds is coming to Warren.
But the restaurant’s current address — 75 Market St. — will remain the same.
The City of Warren’s Zoning Hearing Board heard a request from Michael Takacs with Bohler Engineering on behalf of McDonalds.
“What the applicant is proposing to do (is) demolish the existing McDonalds” and rebuild “a brand new McDonalds basically in the same location but more current, up to date, up to their current standards,” he explained.
Takacs told the board that “with the onset of COVID and people’s changing habits” there is an “increased focus on drive throughs.”
The proposal presented to the board would create a dual drive through at the Warren McDonalds at the expense of 14 parking spaces.
“More people are actually going through the drive through” than the restaurant, he said. “From what they are seeing and what they believe, most of the retailers or food vendors do not see it reverting back.”
The variances before the board address the strip of greenspace between the parking lot and the sidewalk.
“Both of these variances are non-conformities that exist on the site today,” Takacs said. “We are looking to continue to maintain those, demolishing the restaurant completely and starting over again.”
The regulations require 10 feet of greenspace where only two exist currently.
Takacs told the board that the new design would replace the existing hedge along the sidewalk and “does include a lot more landscaping internal to the site. What was all parking will pick up a significant amount of greenspace. Overall, (there) will be a greening of the site, even though we can’t meet the requirements.”
Randy Rossey, the city’s director of codes and planning said the city has no concerns with the proposal and the board subsequently approved the variance.
Just when the project will get underway is not yet clear.
City officials say that no permit applications relative to the project have yet to be received.