Westfield Delays Meeting On Short Term Rentals
Due to a full agenda and village Elections taking place on Tuesday, March 18, the Village of Westfield Planning Board meeting agenda has been changed. Due to time constraints, the Village Planning Board will not be discussing Short Term Rental unit regulations Tuesday. The shortened meeting will take place at 4 p.m. The agenda for this meeting is available on the Village website at and/or by email request to
First Lutheran To Host Noon Lenten Service Wednesday
The Rev. Rob Allport-Cohoon, pastor of Bethel Lutheran Church, will be the guest speaker at the midweek noon-time Lenten Service at the First Lutheran Church on Wednesday. The Lenten services are sponsored by the Southwestern Conference Lutherans and will be held in the Memorial Chapel which is handicap accessible. The 12 p.m. service will be followed by a soup, salad, and homemade pie luncheon in the church parlors for a nominal fee. The luncheon is sponsored by the First Lutheran Altar Society. The public is welcome to attend.
Charter Change Feedback Accepted
The Chautauqua County Executive, in coordination with the chairman of the County Legislature, has commissioned a committee to review the Chautauqua County Charter and Administrative Code and is seeking public feedback as part of the process. The review occurs every 10 years to ensure that the county’s governing documents remain effective and up to date. Residents are encouraged to provide public comments, recommendations, or concerns regarding these governing documents. The documents under review are available for public access online at: Members of the public who wish to submit feedback can email their comments to The deadline for submissions is March 31.
4-H Offering LEAF Classes Starting March 24
4-H is offering a series of three spring Leaf Junior classes for youth in third through 12th grades. Youth do not have to be a 4-H member to attend, and youth do not have to attend all three classes. The first class will be held on March 24 and will be taught by Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners. Youth attendees will learn about a method to be able to grow plants outside in the winter called “cold-sowing” and a different way to grow plants indoors in the winter to produce microgreens. Youth will leave the class with two containers of soil and seeds ready to grow at home. The second class will be held on April 1 and will discuss native pollinators like bees, moths, and butterflies and simple ways to help them thrive. Youth will then build a bug hotel to house the native pollinators that they can take home. The last class will be held May 1 and will cover native wildflowers. Royal Fern Nursery on Glasgow Road in Fredonia has donated local, native wildflower seeds for youth attendees to embed in clay and shape into seed creatures. These seed creatures can be soaked in water and tossed into a favorite area to “plant” native flowers. Each class costs between $10 and $15 and will be held at the Carnahan Center at Jamestown Community College. Pre-registration for the classes is required at or by calling the Cornell Cooperative Extension Office at 716-664-9502.