Historical Society To Meet Today
RANDOLPH – The Randolph Historical Society will meet today at 7 p.m. in the Randolph Municipal Building. The public is invited to participate. The public is welcome to attend.
St. Luke’s To Offer ‘Ashes To Go’ Today
In observance of Ash Wednesday, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church will offer “Ashes to Go” today from 1 to 3 p.m. along Main Street in front of the church building. Anyone is welcome to receive ashes, regardless of religious or denominational affiliation – simply pull into one of the parking slots along Main Street and a member of St. Luke’s clergy will impose ashes and offer a brief prayer (optional). St. Luke’s is also offering traditional Ash Wednesday services at 7 a.m. and noon (in the chapel) and 7 p.m. (in the church proper.)
Pairs And
Spares To
Meet Saturday
KIANTONE – The Pairs and Spares will meet at 6 p.m. Saturday in the Kiantone Congregational Church fellowship hall for a pancake supper and game night. Those attending should bring their favorite games. The public is welcome to attend.
Fenton Canteen To Be Held
The Fenton Canteen will be held on Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon at the Fenton History Center, 67 Washington St., Jamestown. Veterans of all ages are welcome to join for coffee, cookies and c! Service dogs are welcome.
Quilt Guild To Meet March 12
BUSTI – The Chautauqua Region Quilt Guild will meet Wednesday, March 12, at the Busti Federated Church at the five corners of Busti. The group is continuing with its prior format of community sew time from 3 to 6 p.m. followed by a board meeting at 5:30 p.m., refreshments from 6 to 6:30 p.m. and a business meeting at 6:30 p.m. The program will be a Manx block presentation by Carol Lou Eisenhardt. She will also be sharing some information about National Quilting Month in March and National Quilting Day on March 15. Those attending can come for the entire session or a portion of the time.
Needed For Audubon
Lights 2025
The Audubon Community Nature Center has dozens of volunteer spots to fill for Audubon Lights 2025, the lights display that includes live entertainment and snacks around an outdoor fire. Every Friday and Saturday night from March 21 through April 5, hundreds of visitors will experience the woods, trails and surroundings ablaze with thousands of lights. “Audubon has a great crew of dedicated volunteers,” said Sharon Tefft, volunteer coordinator, “but with so many guests, Audubon Lights requires all the help we can get!” Audubon Lights volunteers are needed to add lights to luminaries on the trail, prepare food, sell concessions, tickets and snacks, tend the fire, and aid with clean-up. For more information, email or call 716-569-2345. For general information about Audubon Lights, go to