

Ice Festival Medallion

Hunt Clue 3

Looking around a lake is in view,

Which one to search?

Is, I guess, up to you!

Whoever finds the medallion is asked to call 716-269-4129 (Sorena) or 716-581-0440 (Ariel).

Fenton Canteen To Be Held


The next Fenton Canteen will be held Saturday from 10 a.m. until noon at the Fenton Mansion/Museum, 67 Washington St., Jamestown. Veterans of all ages are welcome to join for coffee, cookies, and camaraderie. Service dogs are always welcome.


Outdoor Club

To Hike Sunday

On Sunday the Allegheny Outdoor Club will be hiking 2.75 miles on the North Country Trail near Kelletville. This will be a flat hike. The group will meet at 1 p.m. at Musante Street in Warren and drive to the Kelletville Bridge to start the hike. Jim and Kim Berky are the hike leaders.

Library System Board To Meet Feb. 12

RANDOLPH – The Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System board will meet Wednesday, Feb. 12, at 6 p.m. at the Randolph Library. The public is welcome to attend.

North Lake Sewer District To Hold Special Meeting

MAYVILLE – There will be a special meeting of the North Chautauqua Lake Sewer District board at 4 p.m. Monday, Feb. 17. The meeting will be held at the NCLSD Sewer Plant, 50 Clark St., Mayville. The meeting is open to the public.

Panama School Board To Meet Monday

PANAMA – The Panama Central School Board of Education will meet at 6 p.m. Monday in the board room. The public is welcome to attend.

Bemus Point School Board To Meet Monday

BEMUS POINT – The Bemus Point Central School Board of Education will meet at 6 p.m. Monday in the cafeteria located at Maple Grove Jr/Sr. High School, 3980 Dutch Hollow Road, Bemus Point. The public is welcome to attend.

Bemus Point Library Board To Meet Tuesday

BEMUS POINT – The Bemus Library board will meet at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. at the library. The public is welcome to attend.

Lakewood Library Board To Meet Wednesday

LAKEWOOD – The Lakewood Memorial Library board will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the library, 12 W. Summit St. Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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