Question: I recently got a phone call from someone who said they were from Medicare to talk about my insurance. How can I protect myself from Scammers?
Answer: In response to that particular question, that individual was definitely not from Medicare. Staff from Medicare (Center for Medicare ...
Question: I got information about a “Welcome to Medicare” medical exam. Do I have to do that?
Answer: Medicare provides for the “Welcome to Medicare” preventive visit with your primary physician when you first enroll in Medicare. This physical is offered to you in the first year (12 ...
Question: I need to get new glasses and they are so expensive. Does Medicare help pay for glasses?
Answer: The question of vision coverage is a really commonly asked question about Medicare.
Original Medicare is a health insurance product. This means that all of your coverage must be based ...
Question: I just got my car insurance bill, and the price went way up. What should I do?
Answer: I just got my car insurance bill, and it also went up! In my research, it seems all the insurance costs are increasing. I also see this with Health Insurance, and the solution is the same: you ...
Question: I hear other people talk about benefits that pay their Medicare Part B premium. What is that and how do I get that?
Answer: The program I believe you are asking about is called the Medicare Savings Program (MSP). This is a Medicaid benefit administered by the Department of Social ...
Question: Medicare is complicated. I just found out there is a penalty if I don’t enroll. What are those penalties?
Answer. This is a follow-up question to last week’s summary of all the Medicare parts. Last week I explained the different components of Medicare, when they started and ...