Question: I know what my medications cost me this year, but how will I know how much it will be next year?
Answer: Each year we have insurance, the cost structures change. It doesn’t matter if we have employee health insurance, retiree coverage, Medicare coverage or a Marketplace plan. ...
Question: I remember you did an article about cleaning out your wallet? Could you do that one again and help me
with this wallet?
Answer: I would love to update that information and let’s get into that wallet and see what interesting stuff is in there! This advice applies to BOTH men and ...
Question: I just got a letter from my Medicare Supplement Plan and the letter says the monthly premium rates are going up by 20%.
Answer: Well, I have to say that I have heard this from a lot of people recently on this topic. Each year at about this time, the insurance companies send a letter ...
Question: My sister in law has a $0 premium HMO, and I have a PPO plan which costs a little bit more for the premium. She thinks I am getting ripped off because I have to pay the company money each month and she doesn’t. What do you say?
Answer: I want to say right up front, that the price ...
Question: I just picked up my medication and the cost was $0? Did they charge me the right price?
Answer: A little more than a year ago, I wrote an article talking about how Medicare Part D was going to change in 2024. I am beginning to talk with individuals who are benefiting from that ...
Question: I recently got a phone call from someone who said they were from Medicare to talk about my insurance. How can I protect myself from Scammers?
Answer: In response to that particular question, that individual was definitely not from Medicare. Staff from Medicare (Center for Medicare ...