"Mother's Day," the first feature film of local filmmaker Travis Carlson's career, is set to premier at North Park Theatre this month.
Carlson, a Cassadaga Central School and a State University of New York College at Buffalo graduate, decided to set and shoot "Mother's Day" in his hometown ...
While the snow is finally gone, one local resident who captured some of the beauty of winter, was acknowledged on a national website.
In January, msn.com posted a piece titled "50 of the Most Stunning Pictures of Winter Across America." Three of those photos used were taken in Chautauqua ...
MAYVILLE — Disney’s “Descendants: The Musical,” an adaption of the popular television movies, will be presented this week by Chautauqua Lake’s Secondary School.
The show follows the troublemaking offspring of Disney’s most famous villains who are banished from the Kingdom of ...
The National Comedy Center was honored this week with two 2021 Telly Awards for excellence in television and video across all screens.
The Comedy Center received a Telly Award for “Best Online Series” for its 2020 Lucille Ball Virtual Comedy Festival and a Telly Award for “Best ...
Jason Monn has thrown his hat into the ring.
Monn was born in the former WCA Hospital in Jamestown in 1979. He lived "all over Jamestown." His early education started at M.J. Fletcher Elementary School, but family moves eventually took him to Celoron and Lakewood.
His mother moved her ...
FREDONIA – The 1891 Fredonia Opera House Performing Arts Center has added the critically acclaimed About Endlessness to its list of films that can be streamed online in the Opera House Screening Room.
The Opera House Screening Room provides movies and other digital programming online to ...