
Sorry, Busybodies Won’t Leave You Alone

In spite of the seemingly-overwhelming flood of political activism, a high proportion of people don’t want to be involved in politics, don’t want to discuss it, don’t want to deal with it. The typical person gets up in the morning, goes to work, and then spends the evening at home, at a hobby, at a social gathering, or other personal things. A typical person is active in the community in some way and enjoys being involved to some greater or lesser extent, but as I heard only this morning, a typical response to politics is “I just want to be left alone. Do whatever you do, but leave me out of it.”

Life is easier that way. don’t make waves, don’t discuss controversial matters, just go about your business. In the present political environment, it is easy to get discouraged and believe that nothing you do or say will make a difference. As noted long ago, however, by Pericles, the ancient Greek statesman, you can choose not to take an interest in politics and politicians, but they will certainly take an interest in you.

That doesn’t mean that everyone has to be a full-time radical activist or lobbyist to make that difference. The situation we have with deep divisions is not new. We have been here before, as have many other countries. What is different is that the progressive agenda seems to enjoy a much wider and deeper acceptance that it has previously. Ok, so what’s so bad about that agenda?

Nothing, actually, is wrong with many of the sentiments that animate the progressive movement. It is true that we should not abuse the poor. It is true that a healthy environment is beneficial for a healthy human society. It is true that many issues are moral issues that we shouldn’t and can’t just sweep them under the rug. There are also specifics of the platform that ring true for anyone. Of course political corruption should be resisted and reined in.

What is wrong with the agenda is that it treats the state, the government, as the embodiment of the will of society and as the great god that will save us from ourselves. A strong component of the early progressive era was the Social Gospel religious movement, most of which is imported directly into modern progressivism. While the official religion aspect is widely rejected now, there is still a deification of the state as savior.

As with the original religious progressivism, the modern version is still filled with busybodies who don’t think you are good enough or competent enough to make your own choices and successfully run your own life. You need to be purified by coercion. The progressive religion is most notable on the left, but it isn’t limited to leftists. Many on the right and middle are also interested in making sure you do what they want you to and don’t do what they don’t want you too.

Progressives are interested in rights, not as limitations on violations on the rights of others, but rather as positive enforcements of how they think everyone should live. Thus, health care, education, and employment relations transform from services or products that one individual or group trades with another under voluntary association into a formal demand by one party on the services and property of another.

The busybodies are working hard, and they won’t ignore you. The way to reverse the tide is to decide that you will make yourself uncomfortable and respond when people praise busybodies and promote the agenda. Get yourself an understanding of progressivism and its roots and learn how to respond in a positive way that resists and builds a better, positive foundation for individual rights.

Dan McLaughlin is the author of “Compassion and Truth-Why Good Intentions Don’t Equal Good Results.” Follow him at daniel-mclaughlin.com.

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