
Ring Elementary School Teacher Opens ‘Clothes Closet’ To Help Students

Ring Elementary School physical education teacher, Julie Irons, shows off the school’s “Clothes Closet.”

In the back of Ring Elementary School’s computer room, there is a clothing revolution happening. Ring Physical Education teacher, Julie Irons, has started a “Clothing Closet” for students where they can have, free of charge, an item of clothing that they might need.

“I noticed that some of our students needed clothes,” said Mrs. Irons. “It may be a winter coat, gloves, or boots, but I saw that there were many needs. I had worked previously at Washington School and they have something similar to the clothing closet. I thought it might be a great idea at Ring School. It is such a good feeling when you see a child receive an article of clothing. The children really appreciate it, and seeing their smiles is the best gift of all!”

Mrs. Irons has received donations of gently used children’s clothing from staff, other families at Ring, and by going to local thrift stores to purchase clothing that is needed.

“We are lucky that many people have donated clothing items to the Clothes Closet. Our school has been super supportive of the project by donating money to help buy clothes that we might need. Plus, the Jamestown Teachers Association was also very generous by providing some much needed funds,” said Mrs. Irons.

Mrs. Irons is looking for more donations for Ring’s Clothes Closet. She especially needs winter coats, hats, gloves, shoes, boots, shoelaces, and comfortable clothes like sweatpants, leggings, and wind pants in elementary school sizes.

“We also need donations of underwear, but these items need to be new, and still in the original package. We need everything. If someone is interested in donating, please bag up clean clothes without any stains or holes, and drop it by Ring School to the attention of the Clothes Closet. I will also accept monetary donations to the Clothes Closet to buy clothing items that we need. Any help would be greatly appreciated!”

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